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Creative Convergence

On May 19, 2017, South Salt Lake hosted their first ever Creative Convergence.  The Creative Convergence invited artists, stakeholders, entrepreneurs, developers, business owners, and creative community builders to attend a free conference aimed at sharing information, providing resources and working on a common vision for the creative future of South Salt Lake.  Keynote speaker Tom Borrup from Creative Community Builders in Minneapolis and author of "How Creative Enterprise Zones are Built" led a visioning workshop facilitating exercises to help identify our creative assets, community needs, and what the Zone could be.


The South Salt Lake Arts Council would like to thank all the facilitators, artists, and participants who contributed to the vision.  We would also like to thank the following sponsors that helped make the Convergence possible:


Salt Lake County ZAP

Utah Arts and Museums

South Salt Lake City

South Salt Lake Chamber

Utah Arts Alliance

Spice Kitchen

Clever Octopus

Beck Development

Westminster College

See what was on the schedule at the Creative Convergence
See the ideas generated and participants in the Event Record

South Salt Lake Arts Council

220 East Morris Ave. Ste. 200

South Salt Lake, UT 84115


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